Monthly Archives: December 2012

The Most Amazing Twins

Wow I love children! That explains why I would readily jump at any invitation to work with them. But the feeling of working with these delectable cuties; Issac and Isaiah is just inexplicable.

While they were eating, I requested for the baby cot to be brought into the sitting Room. I laid the bed and once the breastfeeding was over I took their clothes off and boom! the shoot began.

The boys were amazing. They were so fascinated by the camera and what struck me about the twins was how they posed in similar ways at the same time. Well I couldn’t expect less after spending 9months together in mummy’s tummy 😉

Boys and food 🙂 after a few shots they had to top up with food but little did we know it was an invitation to sleep 😦 Funny how, one of the boys slept while the twin cried. Now I wonder how easy is it to sleep beside a crying partner.

After my time out with Isaac and Isaiah I wouldn’t mind having twins too especially identical girls 🙂

I hope you feel the same after viewing their pictures. You reach me on 08025687884 or 08039225221, Email: Happy viewing 🙂

When Christmas Visited Early

To think that this is just the 2nd day in December and Lagos is already engulfed in the ambiance of the Christmas festivities; with dazzling lights beaming from street corners and beautiful ornaments altering the Lagos scenery, is mind-blowing. Is this same dingy and uninspiring Lagos? The same Lagos where Christmas was observed in hushed tunes and solemnity?

Wow! Now I think of Heaven, with the streets paved with gold, and boulevards adorned with glittering precious stones; this is just a foretaste.

Are you thinking of going down to the streets of Victoria Island, Lagos? Don’t worry, you can have a thrill without moving an inch. I’ve got the pictures here below:

Wishing you all a brightly dazzling, beautiful and Joy-Filled Christmas Celebration.